Our Church

Pastor John Andes

Our family moved to Whatcom County in 1988, from the Jeffersonville, Indiana area, where we had lived since 1972. Our ministry began in 1990 and we have had the privilege of traveling extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, along with many countries in Africa, Europe, and the South Pacific. I have had the privilege to help and assist in many areas of church ministry around the world for the past 31 years. 

We have had experience in several specific areas of ministry which include: pastor, assistant pastor, evangelist, Sunday school teacher, youth leader, counselor, song leader, and ministry of helps, along with the wide range of administrative duties surrounding the daily activities of the local church assembly and worldwide missions outreach. 

We have lived in other States also, and have positively assisted local congregations in many parts of North America and around the world in ministering the Word for Christian growth.

We have had experience of ministering to small and large groups of Believers around the world in many different areas and variety of settings including edifying local congregations, conventions, Family Camps, youth gatherings, and one-on-one counseling in the Word.  

Our motive and objective is established in prayer with a burden to see the Bride of Christ come to a perfect and rapturing condition through the opening of the Word.

Our motive and objective in working with Endtime Message Tabernacle, is to see individuals, couples, and families thrive and grow in a personal experience with Jesus Christ.

We are committed to the Bible and this Endtime Message. We seek to reach our local community and also to influence those outside our local area toward Christ and a daily walk with Him. I have been happily married for almost 30 years to my wife, Sharon Andes. The Lord has given us 3 children and we have 5 grandchildren.

My desire and prayer is that Endtime Message Tabernacle would fulfill our part of the Great Commission, and be a Lighthouse for many hearts and lives.

May God richly bless you and prosper you, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Pastor John Andes

Our Burden & Mission

Endtime Message Tabernacle was originated to respond to a great need in Whatcom County, Washington to provide a place where hungry and thirsty hearts and lives can be ministered to and nurtured. Each community and local area deserves to have an opportunity to thrive in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and to have a place of worship that provides live and local services for the community.

We are committed to the furtherance of the vindicated Voice of God in the ministry of Malachi 4:5,6. We believe that the Ministry of Jesus Christ is continuing today through the lives of the many membered Bride of Christ worldwide.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe that the Bible is God's Word for this day and the end time Absolute.

  • We believe the full Gospel as restored by God's prophet messenger, according to Malachi 4:5-6.

  • At the end time, God promised He would restore the mysteries held back through the ages and prepare a Bride for a rapture. This has been fulfilled and the Body of Christ is maturing and growing in the Message of this Hour.

  • We believe that God was manifested and is declared in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is alive today and lives in the many-membered and global Body of Christ, from all nations, tongues, races, and people.

  • We believe in Baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We believe Salvation is a free Gift and whosoever that calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.

  • We believe in the workings and fruits of the Holy Spirit, through a born-again and justified, sanctified, and filled life, in Christ.​ 

  • We believe and are looking every day for the resurrection of the sleeping saints. We, which are alive and remain, shall be caught up with them, in the clouds, to meet our Lord in the air.